Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Learn the Basics of Proper Pet Care

Receiving a warm welcome from your four-legged, cute, furry pet after a long tiring day of work is indeed very overwhelming and joyous feeling. Many studies proved that having a pet rapidly reduces our stress levels. Every cuddles that we receive from them releases the “cuddle hormone” oxytocin which has a calming and soothing effect to both the human and the pet that leads to stronger bond between them. Their loyalty and unconditional love is truly priceless that’s why they deserve to be loved back the way they loved us.
Being a pet owner is not only a privilege but a responsibility as well. Therefore, knowing how to properly take care of them and maintain their healthy state is a must-know before deciding to have one. To help you with the basics of being an ideal and responsible pet owner, here are some of the tips on how to properly take good care of your fluffy little (or maybe not so little) friend.
Give them a clean and protected shelter
Do not let them be exposed to danger and hazards. Also, proper hygiene plays a big role in keeping them healthy.
Keep them dehydrated
 Always make sure to that they have an access to fresh and clean water. Giving them enough water is important for health and energy.
Give them a healthy diet but prevent obesity
Taking care of your pet is not just about giving them enough amount of food. Food quality also plays a very important role in your pet’s growth and development. Making them obese with extra amount of unhealthy food will never be better compare to when you supply them with just the right amount of healthy food that contains nutrients and minerals that match their needs. To have better knowledge about your pet’s nutritional requirement, it is necessary to visit your nearest vet in Singapore so they can give you the proper dietary recommendation suited for your pet.

Give them a regular health check up
Always monitor the health condition of your pet by regularly visiting a trusted pet hospital in Singapore. From there, your pet’s veterinarian will give you the information about regular vaccination schedules, deworming, and parasite control. Keep your pet’s health records when you travel. If something doesn’t feels right about your pet’s behavior, appetite, or if your pet got an injury, contact your pet doctor immediately to prevent further complications. Work together and have a good communication with your vet in keeping your pet safe and secured.

Don’t forget to have regular exercise
Give them the chance to enjoy outdoors and exercise. Regular exercise helps not only in keeping your pet physically healthy, but it also sharpens their mental ability.

Give them the cuddles and affection they needed
Communicate with your pet and develop a strong emotional relationship with them. Quality time will help you get to know them and understand the needs that they can’t communicate, as well as recognize early signs of illness that might be developing in their systems.

Of course, do not forget about grooming
Prevent gum diseases by having a proper dental care. Cut their nails regularly so they won’t have difficulties in walking. Trim their thick coats so they won’t develop matts and ice balls in their hair. Bathe regularly to freshen them up and prevent having lice and fleas.

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