Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Learn the Basics of Proper Pet Care

Receiving a warm welcome from your four-legged, cute, furry pet after a long tiring day of work is indeed very overwhelming and joyous feeling. Many studies proved that having a pet rapidly reduces our stress levels. Every cuddles that we receive from them releases the “cuddle hormone” oxytocin which has a calming and soothing effect to both the human and the pet that leads to stronger bond between them. Their loyalty and unconditional love is truly priceless that’s why they deserve to be loved back the way they loved us.
Being a pet owner is not only a privilege but a responsibility as well. Therefore, knowing how to properly take care of them and maintain their healthy state is a must-know before deciding to have one. To help you with the basics of being an ideal and responsible pet owner, here are some of the tips on how to properly take good care of your fluffy little (or maybe not so little) friend.
Give them a clean and protected shelter
Do not let them be exposed to danger and hazards. Also, proper hygiene plays a big role in keeping them healthy.
Keep them dehydrated
 Always make sure to that they have an access to fresh and clean water. Giving them enough water is important for health and energy.
Give them a healthy diet but prevent obesity
Taking care of your pet is not just about giving them enough amount of food. Food quality also plays a very important role in your pet’s growth and development. Making them obese with extra amount of unhealthy food will never be better compare to when you supply them with just the right amount of healthy food that contains nutrients and minerals that match their needs. To have better knowledge about your pet’s nutritional requirement, it is necessary to visit your nearest vet in Singapore so they can give you the proper dietary recommendation suited for your pet.

Give them a regular health check up
Always monitor the health condition of your pet by regularly visiting a trusted pet hospital in Singapore. From there, your pet’s veterinarian will give you the information about regular vaccination schedules, deworming, and parasite control. Keep your pet’s health records when you travel. If something doesn’t feels right about your pet’s behavior, appetite, or if your pet got an injury, contact your pet doctor immediately to prevent further complications. Work together and have a good communication with your vet in keeping your pet safe and secured.

Don’t forget to have regular exercise
Give them the chance to enjoy outdoors and exercise. Regular exercise helps not only in keeping your pet physically healthy, but it also sharpens their mental ability.

Give them the cuddles and affection they needed
Communicate with your pet and develop a strong emotional relationship with them. Quality time will help you get to know them and understand the needs that they can’t communicate, as well as recognize early signs of illness that might be developing in their systems.

Of course, do not forget about grooming
Prevent gum diseases by having a proper dental care. Cut their nails regularly so they won’t have difficulties in walking. Trim their thick coats so they won’t develop matts and ice balls in their hair. Bathe regularly to freshen them up and prevent having lice and fleas.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018


We all love our pets and we consider them as part of our families. If you actually look at different videos online, you would see that a lot of families let these pets grow with their children as they do not only provide friendship, but they even teach children responsibilities early on.
Just picture this: your kids would know how to treat animals kindly and take care of them. It will not only develop self-discipline in them but would also help them grow happy and healthy. How? Just imagine a puppy running around the house. Children with a lot of energy would automatically run after that. They are not only petting the animal but exercising too! The best thing about it is they would barely notice doing it.
How Do I Take Care of Them?
Though we know that pets are really good to have at home, we cannot deny the truth that these little tots only have limited years. Their lifespan depends on the breed of the animal. Thus, if we would like them to be with us longer, we would need to spend more time on them and focus a bit more on what they would need. And as this attempt would be really challenging, the best thing that could be done is to take your pet to a registered vet in Singapore.
This is important so that you would be able to understand the special needs of each of your pet.
How Do I choose a Doctor?
We understand that most of us do not pay much attention to the medical care of some animals. Some think that it can be very easy as what they would need would be the usual eating, drinking, and bathing routine. Sometimes, that attention would also mean teaching the pet the usual tricks: to roll, to sit, and even not to soil the house. However, pet grooming and care means so much more than that.
Keeping them healthy is essential so you also maintain a healthy household. Any vet clinic in Singapore would be one in telling you that a regular checkup for your pets is highly needed to prevent any illness or if ever they have any, they would be treated immediately.
As we know, there are diseases that are spread from animals to humans, so, we would want to protect our family from that.  Now, if you would want the best care for them, it is just normal that an owner would look for a recommended vet in Singapore.
The question is how do you find one?
First, make connections with other pet owners. This way, you would have ideas with regard to ideal pet care. They may even recommend products or vets to you.
Second, check their recommendations. You may want to visit an actual clinic so you can better talk to a representative with regard to their services. Be sure that you get the best possible care at the most affordable price.
Lastly, check your doctor’s qualifications. There is no harm in asking around with regard to his experience. Who knows, he might actually be the best doctor around the area.

Monday, April 30, 2018

Vet Clinics and Hospitals are a Necessity for Pet Loving Communities

There is this cliché that “a dog is a man’s best friend”. This is true, except that it is not limited to dogs. All kinds of animals, when they are dear to a person’s life, become one’s best friend. It is true that you should keep your best friend in pink of health and must maintain a good homey condition for him in order to keep up with his health and prolong his life. Animals are no less than a best friend. They may be considered animals in the mammal kingdom, lower than a human being, but they can be the best buddies around. Some pets are even considered therapeutic, as some studies show.
What we do not know is that the extent of care that we give to them must be optimum, if not of the same kind, with how we treat other human beings. What some of us do not know is that they also need vaccinations in order to keep them away from certain diseases. They also need grooming especially if they live with us or inside our houses. All these treatment can be availed of in the veterinary clinic. What these clinics provide are more than just grooming and treatments. They extend their services to consultations as to pet disease prevention and early detection of any kind of pet illness.

In most part of the world, vet clinics are available.  A vet place in Singapore will never be out of business because of many nationals of the place love pets and animals for that matter. In fact, in certain animal clinic such as those in Clementi, they focus more on good health, disease prevention, early detection and wellness of the pets. When they entertain owners, they empathize with them as they know how to handle vet situations. They do not just focus on treating the pets but also to boost their health so as to improve their overall conditions.

When vet clinics are not enough to treat a major concern such as where extensive medication or procedure is needed, there are also available pet hospitals in Singapore that have also available facilities to cater to the same situation. They have been accredited by the government agency concerned in order to provide services that regular vets cannot handle. These pets who need more than regular attention are being confined and observed in hospitals, like humans. Nutrition and well-being of pets are one of their major concerns, other than first aids, treatments and operations. They make sure that when these pets are discharged after observation, they are able to mingle with their same specie at pink of health.

People in Singapore are pet lovers, and there is no denying of that. They make sure that pets are indeed treated like human beings. Therefore, clinics for regular check-ups and consultations are available and hospitals where extensive treatment is needed, are recognized. Since these vet clinics and hospitals have been in the area for quite some time, you have to make sure that they can cater to your needs as pet owners, as trusting the life of your pet to them means the world to you and your pet. Also, being pet owners, you have the responsibility to take care of them and give them the best condition they deserve. After all, they are your best friends.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Rescuing Animals from the Mean Streets and Giving Them a Fighting Chance in Life

Even if they have gobs of cash lining their coat pockets and filling the coffers of their bank accounts to the brim, there are a lot of people who are still unfulfilled, empty and hollow deep inside because they believe that there is more to life in this world than simply buying the material stuff that they do not really need in shopping malls. They want to live life to the fullest, make a positive impact that will make the world a better place one way or another and ignite the change that they want to see for the sake of the future generations to come because we are all doomed if we do not pick up the slack and do our part to solve the problems and predicaments that we face each and every day. And that is why aside from working hard in their respective careers to make their parents proud and do their part in the community, there are those who volunteer in humanitarian advocacies and charitable organizations because they want to be more than just apathetic bystanders in the grand scheme of things.

There are folks who plant trees in barren forests to heal the wounds of Mother Nature and there are also those who join clean-up drives to lessen the pollution that is slowly poisoning people especially kids who do not have fully developed immune systems. And then there are those who round up stray animals like feral dogs and alley cats so that they can bring them to the best veterinary clinic in Singapore to make sure that they are free from diseases and parasites. They are then sent to local animal rescue shelters where they will be given a fighting chance to find a forever home and enjoy the rest of their days with a loving family who will give them everything that they need. Aside from healthy food, a roof over their heads and a warm bed where they can sleep, they will also be showered with affection as well as tender love and care until they cross the rainbow bridge because of old age and natural causes.

With this in mind, people need to open their minds and their hearts to these abandoned animals because they are loyal companions who will brighten up even their darkest days because of their undying love, unwavering affection and their crazy antics that will surely turn their frown upside down and etch a bright smile on their face. But they should avoid disreputable breeders and chain pet stores who only think about profits because they do not give a damn about the animals that they sell. They should head straight to the shelter and dog pound, take their adopted pet to recommended vets in Singapore and help them adjust to their new home.

After regular visits to the best vets for pets in Singapore to make sure that they are in optimum health, people are now ready to live the rest of their days with the newest member of their family who will fill their life with laughter and treasured memories. And they will not regret their decision for sure because these animals have an uncanny knack of burrowing down in the hearts of their owners for the rest of their lives. 

Monday, April 9, 2018

The Reason You Need a Clementi Vet

How many of us actually has a pet? We know that for most people, pets are not only animals we take care of. They are actually already part of the family. Like, if you look everywhere especially on social media, animals have become our pals. We take them anywhere: to our family trips, to our walks or runs in the park, to our beach outing. Moreover, we even take care of them as much as we would take care of our own family.
What do they need?
If you go about reading about pets, some may even joke that pets are just like humans in that we would need to give them food and shelter and sometimes, they even get treated more than us! You know what we would mean. If you also check online or go to pet stores, you would see that there are a lot of stuff—the real fancy ones—made for them. Also, any pet lover can actually agree when we say that part of the things we spend on would be them! It is one of our guilty pleasures.
But more than just the stress relief they provide, they also affect our health. They say that taking care of animals somehow boosts our metabolism and immune system, too. But inasmuch as we take care of ourselves, we would need to pay attention to their health as well.
How do I do that?
For some people, they think that when we give them food and water then that is it. However it is important that you also seek professional help when it comes to taking care of them. How? Take them to any vet clinic in Singapore
Do not think of it as an added expense. In fact, it can be treated as an investment. Any Clementi vet professional can tell you that being able to understand what it needs is important so you keep your household clean and happy, too. As you know, there could be illnesses acquired by pets that could be transferred to humans. We don’t want that. Thus, if you are looking for a pet clinic based in Singapore, then that could be a good way to go for you.
How do you look for clinics? Simple. You can just go anywhere around the city and there they are. But you can also check online. Most of them have pages now so, that should not be a problem for you.
What can I expect?
Aside that they would be able to be given the proper grooming, you can also expect that vet professionals would be able to help you get your pet in shape. They would be given checkup and vitamins too. If you do this, you can surely prevent illnesses even before that take over.
Taking them to the vet will also ensure that they can always be active. Do not worry about costs. Some clinic offer packages. And some of them even accept debit or credit cards. So, if you would want to maximize each of your pet's expected lifespan or exceed it, then this is what you need to do now.