Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Rescuing Animals from the Mean Streets and Giving Them a Fighting Chance in Life

Even if they have gobs of cash lining their coat pockets and filling the coffers of their bank accounts to the brim, there are a lot of people who are still unfulfilled, empty and hollow deep inside because they believe that there is more to life in this world than simply buying the material stuff that they do not really need in shopping malls. They want to live life to the fullest, make a positive impact that will make the world a better place one way or another and ignite the change that they want to see for the sake of the future generations to come because we are all doomed if we do not pick up the slack and do our part to solve the problems and predicaments that we face each and every day. And that is why aside from working hard in their respective careers to make their parents proud and do their part in the community, there are those who volunteer in humanitarian advocacies and charitable organizations because they want to be more than just apathetic bystanders in the grand scheme of things.

There are folks who plant trees in barren forests to heal the wounds of Mother Nature and there are also those who join clean-up drives to lessen the pollution that is slowly poisoning people especially kids who do not have fully developed immune systems. And then there are those who round up stray animals like feral dogs and alley cats so that they can bring them to the best veterinary clinic in Singapore to make sure that they are free from diseases and parasites. They are then sent to local animal rescue shelters where they will be given a fighting chance to find a forever home and enjoy the rest of their days with a loving family who will give them everything that they need. Aside from healthy food, a roof over their heads and a warm bed where they can sleep, they will also be showered with affection as well as tender love and care until they cross the rainbow bridge because of old age and natural causes.

With this in mind, people need to open their minds and their hearts to these abandoned animals because they are loyal companions who will brighten up even their darkest days because of their undying love, unwavering affection and their crazy antics that will surely turn their frown upside down and etch a bright smile on their face. But they should avoid disreputable breeders and chain pet stores who only think about profits because they do not give a damn about the animals that they sell. They should head straight to the shelter and dog pound, take their adopted pet to recommended vets in Singapore and help them adjust to their new home.

After regular visits to the best vets for pets in Singapore to make sure that they are in optimum health, people are now ready to live the rest of their days with the newest member of their family who will fill their life with laughter and treasured memories. And they will not regret their decision for sure because these animals have an uncanny knack of burrowing down in the hearts of their owners for the rest of their lives. 

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